Selected Representations of the Phenomenological Orientation of Polish Pedagogical Thought



phenomenology of education, pedagogical anthropology, pedagogical axiology, pedagogical teleology, Polish pedagogical thought


This article indicates the basic premises and differentiating contexts that underlie the conceptual specificity of phenomenological pedagogy. In this context, three original positions of phenomenological orientation in Polish pedagogical thought have been presented. In accordance with their specific features, the first position refers to the phenomenological problematization of issues related to pedagogical axiology in a particular way, the second position refers to issues associated with pedagogical teleology, while the third relates to matters connected to pedagogical anthropology. Each of these positions is based on original theoretical solutions that have raised interest and initiated discussion on phenomenological pedagogy in Polish literature, beginning in the 1980s.


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How to Cite

Gara, Jarosław. 2023. “Selected Representations of the Phenomenological Orientation of Polish Pedagogical Thought”. Theology and Philosophy of Education 2 (1):28–38.



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