Learning from Negativity of Experience in School Moral Education



negativity of experience, school moral education, teaching and learning morality, educative guidance, Johann F. Herbart


The paper attempts to answer the questions of what learning from negativity of experience perspective is and if it could become the right way of teaching and learning morality at school. It consists of three sections. The first one explains the fundamental distinction between negative moral experiences and negativity of moral experience. In the second section, the author’s attention focuses on the possibility of didactic application of teaching and learning from negativity of experience. The last section contains J. F. Herbart’s concept of educative guidance as a permanently valid theoretical framework for contemporary moral education at school.


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How to Cite

Stepkowski, Dariusz. 2024. “Learning from Negativity of Experience in School Moral Education”. Theology and Philosophy of Education 3 (1):32–38. https://tape.academy/index.php/tape/article/view/35.



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