Crossroads of Leadership, Ethics, Higher Education, and Worldviews



bildung, business, creating a better world, decolonising, eductional design research, ethics, higher education, meaning-oriented reflection, onderwijs vraagt leiderschap!, seec descriptors, strategic leadership, virtues, worldviews, teaching and learning process


Strategic leadership deals with, for example, ethical dilemmas. The article addresses differing worldviews in relation to decolonising the curriculum, and how to assist cross-cultural professionals’ behavioural learning. Within pedagogics, critical thinking, based on normative rationales, allowing educational interventions, or concepts, other than empirically proven only is revealed. The common denominator of worldviews appears to be virtues. Descriptions of virtues need translation to touch on professionals. A practical intervention is introduced.


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Author Biography

Bert Meeuwsen, ZIN Academy, Vught, Netherlands

Creating triangular awareness by 'inspiration, 'intuitivity', and 'logic', via 'becoming aware', towards: 'wanting' and 'doing'.

>50 years cross cultural experience in a diversity of sectors: profit, non-profit, education, youth work, cure & care, as well as development aid and military marketing. Literally worked across borders. All part of actual lecturing and advisory practice.

Principal Lecturer, Strategic Leadership, with Nyenrode Business University, the Netherlands.


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How to Cite

Meeuwsen, Bert. 2024. “Crossroads of Leadership, Ethics, Higher Education, and Worldviews”. Theology and Philosophy of Education 3 (1):39–49.



Peer-reviewed Article
